I apologize for the delay for those of you trying to follow us along on our adoption journey. I will now attempt to catch you up. We got the email that we had cleared embassy on Wednesday 12/5. We were absolutely thrilled! It was exactly one year from the first time we met him....a painful year...at times, an excruciating year....a year of unknowns....and a year of no control. I say this with anger in my heart that this time was stolen from us, and him. Time that is precious and never salvaged. But at the same time, I feel peace. I have learned a greater understanding of patience and a deeper faith in the Lord, for which all things are possible. In July, we were strongly encouraged to give up on Zion's adoption because it didn't appear to be a possibility. At that point, we were devastated but said that we would continue to fight until he came home. And we fought! We fought with endless conference calls, emails, and prayers. We so appreciate the flowing support of others during this time. We would not have been able to make it through without the love and encouragement of friends, family, and the facebook Ethiopian adoption support group!
the Lord will redeem that year that was lost. Just watch and see!